
My Favorite Age...

It's funny because ever since I had my own children,
every age is my "favorite" age.
They are about to turn 8 and I love the age they are at.
They make me laugh with their wit. They keep me
on my toes with their thought provoking questions.

"Seriously Mom, how did a bunny rabbit leave all this
candy; and neither of the dogs made a noise?"

I guess the appreciation of every age, falls in
line with a mother's love.

But as I reflect, I must say the age of 4 was an absolute favorite for me.
Maybe because the girls lived and I mean literally lived in their Snow White
and Cinderella costumes...and tea at high noon was a must for the day.

At 4 it really is all about them, and they make no apologies for it. I think
as a Mom, I should follow their example.

At 4 they understand, they converse, but you can still see a glimpse of that little
baby that stole your heart.

Well I had the opportunity to photograph a 4 year old. And she was everything
I love about 4 year old girls. I asked her favorite color....she proclaimed PINK.
I asked who her favorite princess was...she proclaimed SLEEPING BEAUTY...(of
course her dress is pink) And what a ham she was. And when she was done
photographing....she let me know that too.





1 comment:

ksenija said...

great photos courtney! love the new look of the blog, too. :) hope all is well with you!!